What happens in a session?

Each reading starts with a brief meditation to set the tone for your session. These moments spent arriving in the reading together create a space where connection is easy and we have a calm spot to put our toes in the river.

During the meditation, I “open the channel” to the flow of information from your guides. Once the channel is open, I’ll ask you to speak about what you’d like to take a deeper look at, and off we go.
I’ll translate what is being shared with no editing or judgement. All sessions are confidential. (* I ask that no-one else is present during the session.)
At the end of the session I close the channel, and information that came through is lost to me.
The reading is just for you, the client! I may be able to recall bits and pieces after a session, but I work hard to leave no trace.

What should I ask in a session?

Specific questions are great, as is the wish for a more general reading. You don’t need to think ahead, just trust that a lot can shift in 45 minutes.
An open heart and an open mind are the best things to bring.

Can you read my mind?

When people find out what I do for a living, this is usually their first question.
If you haven’t scheduled a reading and given me permission to take a look, my channel is closed, and I’m off the clock. It’s not ethical to peek into someone else’s business without an express invitation AND nice strong boundaries around any intuitive work.

In the setting of a reading, I can see quite a bit. But not everything, and not all at once.
The guides are experts at pointing the flashlight exactly where it’s needed, in relation to the questions you are holding. Often I am directed to places in your life that feel blocked, which can be in the mind (loops and patterns) the body (pain and stagnation) and the connection to the larger energies in our universe (fill in the blank.)

In a reading we work on all levels, as I listen in to your deepest self. I see a large and layered picture of where you are in the moment, sometimes where you’ve been, and always the areas we can work together to re-tune and help restore harmony in your life.
My parameters are set to see and translate only what you are ready on the deepest level, to work with.
Which leads to another common question:

WIll you see something bad?

At times I use flashlights in dark corners, but together, we work with the LIGHT. Sometimes guides highlight a situation you already know is causing distress, and my channel is set to tune into ways to support change and healing.
Find out more about client’s experiences by clicking here: Testimonials

Will something terrible happen if I don’t do my homework?
DO I have to follow the guidance…or else?

Nope. Homework is just one way to continue the opening that begins in a reading - and only if it feels helpful.

No. A reading is a snapshot of a moment, free will and choice are Yours in every breath. Take what sounds right from a session, recycle anything that doesn’t.

Can you talk with people who have died?

I no longer offer this service, but can refer you to someone who does.

Have you ever tried to win the lottery?

Yes, once upon a time I bought 4 winning tickets in a row at 3 different stores, and won enough to buy a nice lunch. Several hundred readings later,
I know that we all have the ability to do this sort of thing, and we ALL have much better things to do with our energy.